Practice Sessions

Practice Sessions

Practitioners completing the LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL℠ training are eligible to attend Practice Sessions after they have had some time to practice on clients on their own.

The half-day sessions are offered two days in a row so that those traveling a distance can get maximum benefit from the practice experience.

It’s ideal to return for the Practice Sessions after working with a minimum of three practice clients. This enables the Practitioner time to assemble a body of questions, experiences and client feedback to share with the group. The Practice Sessions ensure that the Practitioner is internalizing the Protocol and building core competency with their client practice sessions.


  1. Questions and Answers — based on Practitioners real-time experiences with practice clients
  2. Updates on the Lyme Magnetic Protocol ℠ — new pairs, evolution of treatment strategy
  3. Structured feedback — areas of concern, practitioner difficulties
  4. Observe and hands-on practice with clients and/or fellow students

Practitioners find the Practice Sessions to be meaningful and valuable resources on the road to mastery. The LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL℠ is complex and is applied in concert with the feedback received from the client’s body during each appointment. The more concentrated, supervised Practice Sessions the Practitioner is able to attend, the deeper the understanding of the Protocol and facilitating client healing.

Practice Sessions require registration, payment in full.

Fee: $595/Practice Session Day, 9am-1pm, offered by Joan Randall and Linda Mello.
A full day training is $800 offered by Linda Mello.

Linda Mello of LMP Wellness, LLC is a highly trained colleague of Joan Randall and is a certified Teaching Assistant of the LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL℠ and offers these practice sessions as well. Please contact her directly at 603-577-0532

Note: Three free Practice Sessions are included with Certification.
